ID : 42709

Greenwing Military Macaw Blue And Gold Macaw,Gold Macaw African Grey




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : London, UK

Large Double yellow head amazon Cage African Grey-Blue And Gold,Greenwing Military Macaw  Macaw,Gold Macaw with stand on wheels. 3 levels inside. Comes with 2 ladders, several perches including a twisted rope bendable perch, 2 large feeders and 2 small ones and toys and a large swing, metal tray. Measures: 6’4″ High w/ Stand, 18 1/2″ Deep, 3″ Tall cage only, 2’6″ Wide. 2 Large Doors, 2 Small Doors, and Metal Tray.also available is this cute;;;macaw;;’;parrot;’;that am getting rid of.shoot me yr inquiry with yr cell no included for immediate texting.for both parrot and cage thks!     07520623199




London, UK
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