ID : 24068

Looking for work as a Babysitter


Type : Jobs
Condition : Full time
Warranty : No
Location : Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, UK


I am 26 years old. I currently have my level 2 certificate in Childcare.  

I am fully DBS checked which was obtained this year. I have nursery and primary experience from birth up to age 12.

I have 4 of my own children, 2 of whom have ASD so I also have experience with that.

I am a fun, bubbly and exciting person who loves caring for children.

I love cooking and baking so would be able to provide babies and children with delicious and nutritious meals and snacks whilst also involving them in the preparation and cooking of this where appropriate.

I am also able to do cleaning if required.

I am currently available on evenings and weekends so if you would like to contact me to discuss this further please send me an email and I will get back to you promptly.




Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, UK
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