ID : 42844

Old Door Stripping Halifax

Price On Call


Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : Owlcotes Business Park, Varley Street, Leeds, LS286AN

Let us do the hard and messy job for you!

Stripping off old paint is often one of the first jobs to be tackled when you move into an old house. Why spend the weekends when you can have us to take over your restoration project, let us do the time-consuming and messy job for you.

We are here to bring back the original glory of your home.

Old Door Stripping offers a professional and high quality stripping service on a variety of wooden and cast iron items such as doors, furniture, shutters and fireplaces allowing you to restore your home to its former glory.

Our team is committed to providing excellent, reliable and fast service. We believe that you will find our colourful portfolio and competitive prices suitable for all your restoration projects.

We are committed to keeping the prices of our door stripping services reasonable, without compromising on quality. With Old Door Stripping you can be sure you are getting excellent and top quality door stripping service.

For more information from our satisfied clients go to




Owlcotes Business Park, Varley Street, Leeds, LS286AN


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