ID : 40389

Pomeranian Puppies Boys And Girls




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 10 Butcher St, Londonderry BT48 6HL, UK

We have lovely puppies ready for new homes now.

There are the smaller size Pomeranian and will be under 5 pounds in weight.

Very friendly and fluffy they have been brought up with kid’s and just love to play all day.

Have been to the vets yesterday and have a full health check and everything is very good also got full puppy package which means they got first vaccination and micro chip avacate plus next vaccination and worming is paid for.

Mum is in the last photo and she’s a real sweet heart and hear with her puppies. whatsapp me at +447418334549




10 Butcher St, Londonderry BT48 6HL, UK
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