


Type : Sell
Condition : Full time
Location : 8 The Green, Suite A, Dover, Delaware 19901

Scraping Home is a pioneering US-based company specializing in web scraping solutions. Our cutting-edge technology, including our USA Craigslist scraper, empowers businesses across the country to gather valuable data efficiently and ethically. With a strong commitment to data privacy and accuracy, we are the trusted choice for businesses seeking to harness the power of web data. At Scraping Home, we’re dedicated to delivering high-quality web scraping services that drive success in the digital age.




8 The Green, Suite A, Dover, Delaware 19901
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Safety tips
  • If an ad or reply sounds too good to be true, it probably is
  • Meet face to face, never send payment for items you've not seen
  • Don't ship items - always trade face to face
  • Don't use Western Union, MoneyGram or other payment methods to Send Money Online for QuickMarket trades
  • Always communicate on the website with the traders  for your safety and privacy
  • Don't reply to email addresses hidden in text
  • Beware of fake QuickMarket sites and invoices
  • If You receive email from unknown sender, Do not click on links and pictures in the email
  • Don't carry large sums of money with you when meeting up
  • Tell others when/where you're going to trade, and bring a friend

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