


Type : Sell
Condition : Used
Warranty : No
Location : Whitehall, Bristol, UK


Based in Whitehall area, Bristol.

Average weekly turnover £4K to4.5k

with Scope to at least turn double. (We don’t do any kind of advertisement or leaflets SELLING SO CHEAP AS FAMILY ISSU

The business occupies a prime site in this densely populated area. It works on excellent profit margins, serving a wide range of pizzas and kebabs,

Is open leases and long there’s no rate and rent is 10200 a year 




Whitehall, Bristol, UK
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  • If an ad or reply sounds too good to be true, it probably is
  • Meet face to face, never send payment for items you've not seen
  • Don't ship items - always trade face to face
  • Don't use Western Union, MoneyGram or other payment methods to Send Money Online for QuickMarket trades
  • Always communicate on the website with the traders  for your safety and privacy
  • Don't reply to email addresses hidden in text
  • Beware of fake QuickMarket sites and invoices
  • If You receive email from unknown sender, Do not click on links and pictures in the email
  • Don't carry large sums of money with you when meeting up
  • Tell others when/where you're going to trade, and bring a friend

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