ID : 17350

2006 Mazda Mazda3 1.6 TS




Type : Sell
Condition : Used
Warranty : Yes
Location : Ward End, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK

mot 27.06.2019 s,key one registered keeper,drives superb,very clean inside and out

Central Locking; Side Airbags; Electronic Stability Program (ESP); Immobiliser; Passenger Airbag; CD Player; Alarm; Air Conditioning; V5 Registration Document; Xenon headlights; Electric Windows; AM/FM Stereo; Driver Airbag; Tuning; Climate Control; Power-assisted Steering (PAS); Alloy Wheels 


We do not provide warranties, however we suggest that the customer purchases their own warranty from a reputable company, which we may be able to assist with




Ward End, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK
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