


Type : Sell
Warranty : No
Location : Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

Due to health issues I have to sell my engineering business.

My business is based between the Halifax and Leeds area of West Yorkshire.

We have been carrying out subcontract machining and fabrication work for over 25 years.

We have a broad customer base which covers many different industries, our biggest customer is approximately 5% of our turnover.

We subcontract out no work, and have complete control of our work, quality and scheduling.

The business is currently trading from a leasehold property, with a long lease in place. The landlord is happy to release my business from the lease if a buyer would like to re site the business. We have traded successfully for over 25 years, we have not used an overdraft in over 15 years, every piece of equipment is owned outright. We have approximately £350k in modern, quality machinery and equipment.




Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
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