ID : 54835

Buy Shower Screens With Flipper Online UK




Type : Sell
Condition : Full time
Warranty : Yes
Location : 20 Great King Street North, Birmingham, West Midlands B19 2LF, UK

A quadrant shower enclosure evaluates both luxury and elegance with functionality to your bathroom. The Elegant showers quadrant unit is designed for a space-saving solution that suits the layout of every size of bathrooms and adds also helps to add a featured look to your bathroom. Whether you’re inspired by style or you want to make the most of your limited layout with a quadrant cubicle that sits easily in the corner, a quadrant shower enclosure could be the answer to your dream bathroom. We have a huge design range in our stock. Browse and order now. Make your bathroom stunning & second to none.




20 Great King Street North, Birmingham, West Midlands B19 2LF, UK
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