ID : 42660

Calico Macaws parrots for sale




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 203 New King's Road, Fulham, London SW6 4SR, UK

Calico Macaws parrots. is an expansive first era half and half macaw that is delightfully shaded, exceptionally friendly, wise, and energetic. This perfect infant has a Greenwing macaw mother and a Military macaw father. Calico children have heaps of vitality from the Military side and the sweetness and stature from the Greenwing. this is a DNA male, and he is prepared to go home at this point. He adores having his head rubbed. We have many Calico Macaw for sale DNA Male and female comes with toys and accessories  




203 New King's Road, Fulham, London SW6 4SR, UK
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