ID : 46474

Customized cakes in ghaziabad |Online eggless cake




Type : Buy
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : 404, K. M. Trade Tower, Annexe Radisson Blu, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad - 201010

You can expect the most exceptional quality of a variety of cakes and other products that are made with imported, good quality ingredients and most importantly with love. An outstanding culinary artist that Dee is, she offers the purist approach to the craft. The extraordinary masterpieces made by Dee’s Bake studio are perfect in flavors, bursts with authenticity in their first bite and gives you a feeling of pure bliss. Imagine a cake and Dee’s Bake studio will make it for you. 




404, K. M. Trade Tower, Annexe Radisson Blu, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad - 201010
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