ID : 37593

For Sale Camping Industry Online Agency




Type : Sell
Warranty : No
Location : United Kingdom

Several years of development have gone into creating this dynamic, PC and mobile compatible website. It can be modified to accept any currency and language. Already setup to accommodate Stripe/Paypal.

This site is a one-off. The buyer will hold full rights and ownership and may be further developed and re-sold. Easily customised by our 3rd party engineers for minimal costs. No copies of this site will be sold. Trading name of site can be changed if desired. i.e your or *** etc

All you have to do is offer campsites and caravan sites (RV sites in USA) the opportunity to list their accommodation. The campsite owners can list their own properties/sites with or without assistance. No limit to the number of listings per site. Could be free initially and thereafter an agreed commission typically 10% to 15% is taken at the time of booking automatically paid by the traveller. The balance is paid direct to the campsite. All commissions are non-refundable (unless you want to). All systems are automated, although we recommend reviewing photo’s and video’s that have been uploaded by campsite visitors.

Fantastic Back-end management system. Approve Listings, photos etc. Monitor bookings in real-time; and income. Edit property, Edit reviews, Edit FAQ’s. Even designed to accept 3rd party Advertisements, which is a supplementary income earning opportunity.

Selling due to ill-health. Genuine reluctant sale.




United Kingdom
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