ID : 37245

Highly Rated Computer Repair Shop In Bristol For Sale




Type : Sell
Warranty : No
Location : Bristol, UK

A local PC and Apple computer repair shop in Bristol situated on the largest road in the UK of independent businesses.

A fantastic position between both universities, at the town end of the road means it has the maximum catchment area for customers.

Originally the shop had a 5 year established history of PC repair in the area. That business was sold to me in April 2017 and a new direction was decided for the shop which future proofed it for a changing technology market.

An in depth business plan was created and approved by advisory investors and put into action from April 2017. It involved a complete interior redesign which is bespoke and one of a kind in Bristol. The showroom doubles now as a Meetup space and could easily be further transformed into an internet cafe or hot desking space, which is becoming very popular.

Along with a new direction into co-working, the reputation of the shop has grown exponentially and within 1 year, was the highest rated PC repair shop in Bristol. The business can be successful easily by PC repair alone, but has all the foundations to expand into many different areas, should the new owners decide to do so.

Building is leased on very reasonable terms from a private landlord.




Bristol, UK
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