ID : 32696

LOFT / EXTENSION SPECIALIST at reasonable prices


Type : Jobs
Condition : Part time
Warranty : No
Location : Wimborne, Dorset, UK

Hampshire Builders Group draws on a comprehensive range of building skills and professional services to offer a complete service to customers across all sectors.

Our team has been working together for many years, complementing each other’s roles to ensure that projects are completed on time, on budget, and to the highest standards of workmanship and professionalism. Our craftsmen take pride in the knowledge that they are not just doing a job, but are actively adding value to your property.

We are offering:

Loft Conversions,

Extensions / Conservatories

full Home renovations/refurbishments

all Plumbing and Electrical works,




all Carpentry works,

Kitchens and Bathrooms fitting,


Structural Works,



Roof repairs,

Rubbish Clearance,

Professional Cleaning Service

Fences, Gates, Patio,



Odd Jobs, 




Wimborne, Dorset, UK
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Emily Hale
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