ID : 40260

London based Wholesaler/Distributor Of Food, Beverages And Complementary Products For Sale


Type : Sell
Warranty : No
Location : London, UK


YE17 turnover in excess of £25 million, with an adjusted EBITDA of circa £615k. On course to achieve turnover of £24 million in YE18, rising to £25 million in YE19. Offers an extensive range of products, including both branded and budget items. Established 20 years, with an excellent reputation and long-standing client base. Strong regional presence, predominantly working with commercial clients in the FMCG sector based across London and the Home Counties. Skilled management team in place, possessing the necessary expertise required to manage the day-to-day running of the business. Operates from four strategically located premises across London. Offers invited.




London, UK
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