
Type : Jobs
Location : Barnhill Road, Manchester, UK

Our team is committed to providing excellent, reliable and fast service. We believe that you will find our colorful portfolio and competitive prices suitable for all your restoration projects.

At Old Door Stripping we can strip internal and external doors, tables, chairs, beds and cupboards, made of pine, pitch pine and beech wood to oak, walnut, elm and satinwood.

At Old Door Stripping we can breathe new life into your wood items and bring back their old glory!




Barnhill Road, Manchester, UK
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  • If an ad or reply sounds too good to be true, it probably is
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  • Beware of fake QuickMarket sites and invoices
  • If You receive email from unknown sender, Do not click on links and pictures in the email
  • Don't carry large sums of money with you when meeting up
  • Tell others when/where you're going to trade, and bring a friend