ID : 23996

Registered OFSTED childminder needed


Type : Jobs
Condition : Full time
Warranty : No
Location : Hove, UK

I am looking for a childminder (has to be OFSTED registered for me to get funding) to start in September. I have 4 children, aged 16, 14, 11 and 8. I would need to leave the house by 8am on 2 mornings and 9am on the other 2 (Wednesday I am home). I need someone who can come to my house, make sure older 3 kids leave the house and get themselves to school, and then walk with my daughter to primary school, then come back and tidy up kitchen etc (times negotiable). Would then need you again to collect daughter after school at 3:15 and make dinner( or just serve it if I’m organised and have already made it!) and look after kids until I get back at 6.

Call me so we can discuss job and your rates.




Hove, UK
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