ID : 42634

Zero deposit short let building in Central Croydon, with shower. Ideal for studio or retail and more




Type : Rent
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 95 Church Street, Croydon, UK

Perfect location for business, Croydon have leaped up the league table, with annual business growth of 14%. This spacious building previously was a popular high street salon. The property has an open plan ground floor; it can be for offices or retail. Back rooms as; meeting rooms, music, and photo studios or any businesses suited for. Back entrance with plenty of free parking spaces, and separate WC facility, shower in private room, separate kitchen, and also the top floor with extra space, large rooms can be as storage spaces.

The building can be occupied for multiple usages, with multiple businesses. Property is also under refurbishment. After completion new photos can be uploaded. Please check images for sizes of the floor plane.

The property benefits from a well presented and accessible basement for storage or further retail space. The property is in good condition ready to be fitted out to tenant’s requirements.

Contact us on 07305945446-07445643356 or 02082654283 




95 Church Street, Croydon, UK
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